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Introduce to namespaces

namespaces 是 linux kernel 的一種資源隔離機制,用以防止不同 process 看到不同資源

A namespace wraps a global system resource in an abstraction that makes it appear to the processes within the namespace that they have their own isolated instance of the global resource. Changes to the global resource are visible to other processes that are members of the namespace, but are invisible to other processes. One use of namespaces is to implement containers.

作為隔離機制,只有存在於 namespace 中的 process 可以互相看到彼此的資源,若不存在於 namespace 之中的 process 則無法看到其內容。而這正適合用來實作 container

Understanding namespaces

具體的來說 namespaces 隔離了以下資源

Namespace Flag Isolates
Cgroup CLONE_NEWCGROUP cgroup root directory
IPC CLONE_NEWIPC system v IPC, POSIX message queues
Network CLONE_NEWNET network devices, stack, port … etc.
Mount CLONE_NEWNS mount points
PID CLONE_NEWPID process ids
Time CLONE_NEWTIME boot and monotonic clocks
User CLONE_NEWUSER user and group ids
UTS CLONE_NEWUTS hostname and NIS domain name

注意到 Time 是自從 linux kernel 5.6 起正式併入主線(詳見: The Time Namespace Appears To Finally Be On-Deck For The Mainline Linux Kernel)

其他資源有隔離的需求很合理,但是 Time 也需要隔離…?
30b67b1d9a2c50d5581cd3bdacf5f312ca4dfbaa 這筆 commit 中我們可以窺探其中的奧秘

For many users, the time namespace means the ability to changes date and time in a container (CLOCK_REALTIME). Providing per namespace notions of CLOCK_REALTIME would be complex with a massive overhead, but has a dubious value.

But in the context of checkpoint/restore functionality, monotonic and boottime clocks become interesting. Both clocks are monotonic with unspecified starting points. These clocks are widely used to measure time slices and set timers. After restoring or migrating processes, it has to be guaranteed that they never go backward. In an ideal case, the behavior of these clocks should be the same as for a case when a whole system is suspended. All this means that it is required to set CLOCK_MONOTONIC and CLOCK_BOOTTIME clocks, which can be achieved by adding per-namespace offsets for clocks.

在 container 裡面,使用者可能會想要出於某種原因,進而更改時間,這肯定是沒問題的
那當使用者退出 container 回到 host machine 時,問題就出現了
由於 CLOCK_MONOTONIC 以及 CLOCK_BOOTTIME 都是單調時間(亦即遞增的),如果說這兩個時間倒退了,那顯然不合理對吧?
於是乎 time namespace 就被提出,針對以上兩種時間進行隔離,具體的做法是增加 offset 欄位
根據 man time_namespaces

/proc/PID/timens_offsets Associated with each time namespace are offsets, expressed with respect to the initial time namespace, that define the values of the monotonic and boot-time clocks in that namespace. These offsets are exposed via the file /proc/PID/timens_offsets. Within this file, the offsets are expressed as lines consisting of three space-delimited fields:

<clock-id> <offset-secs> <offset-nanosecs>

你說為甚麼不把 CLOCK_REALTIME 也一起加到 namespace 裡面? 因為加上去他的 overhead 會過多,詳細說明可以參考 Linux Kernel - Clock

Namespace life cycle

namespace 的作用域普遍的來說在 最後一個 process 離開 namespace 之後就會自動回收,不過仍有一些例外
概括地來說,就是當 namespace 有被直接或間接的使用的情況下,namespace 會持續存在

  • file 或 mount 存在於 /proc/[pid]/ns/*
  • hierarchical namespace(亦即有 child namespace)
  • PID/time namespace 存在 symbolic link
  • PID/time namespace 存在 mount filesystem


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